Plan. Prepare. Surpass.

The holidays can be an intimidating time for those of us working on our physique. All that yummy food, and event after event that conflict with workout schedules. We’re here to reassure you that it is possible to train like a beast without becoming one during the season.
First, make sure you have a plan. As the old saying goes, failure to plan is a surefire plan to fail. Pull out your calendar (or your phone, because that’s where your calendar lives now) and start scheduling. Schedule in every event: office party, in-laws, school activities, shopping ~ if it needs done, write it down. Now, start scheduling in your meal and workouts like they are events. Office party at 6:00 – then workout is at 5:00, leaving enough time to shower and drive to the event. Put in alarms for meals, workouts, etc. Remember that if you must deviate from the plan, which you occasionally will since this is real-life, it’s ok. Schedule in an extra workout ahead of time, so if you have to miss one, you already have plans to make it up. If you don’t miss it, you’ve just given yourself some extra time to relax (or probably get that last-minute gift you forgot).
Now that you have a plan, prepare to execute it. If the calendar says cookie day at Grandma’s on Saturday, build in some time Friday night to prepare a few healthy snacks to see you through the fun. This way you can join in the fun, but you have some alternative choices that are easy to access. Next challenge: the mall. All that time wandering from store to store, contemplating the right gift you’re your mother and your co-workers cat. Instead of wishing you could be at the gym, consider it extra cardio. Encourage big gifts, they’re extra lifting to tone those muscles this season. Just joking, but the point is, put the holidays to work for you.
Everyone giving you leftovers? Great – take as much of the lean meats and veggies as possible. Less cooking the next few days, giving you more time to workout. In fact, before the leftovers begin to pile up, get a jump on the season. Make sure you’re getting plenty of water, and build out your meals in the early part of the season so that you are ready for the high-calories that are offered later. You can also help your body tackle the fat with our Weight Loss Stack. Combo up our Multi-Vitamin, CLA 1000 and Thermo Igniter to attack fat deposits, boost your energy and provide your body with quality nutritional support.
By taking these steps to plan and prepare, we know you can Surpass the Ordinary this holiday season and stay on track with your fitness goals.